S T O S S Books
S T O S S Books
Picture of DNA which is Salt and Dust in the Bible

Salt, Dust, Light, and Water in the Bible

Study of Salt, Dust, Water, & Light in Bible

S T O S S Books

The Study of Salt, Dust, Water, and Light in the Bible

S T O S S Books
Studying Salt, Dust, Water, and Light in the Bible
S T O S S Books

Studying Salt, Dust, Water, & Light in Scripture

S T O S S Books

Studying Salt, Dust, Water & Light in Scripture

S T O S S Books

Salt, Dust, Water & Light in Scripture

Salt, Dust, Water & Light in Scripture

What is salt, dust, and stone in the Bible
In Scripture, DNA is both dust and salt
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In Part II:
1) Why mtEve is NOT biblical Eve;
2) Why interpretations of mtEve do not apply to biblical Eve;
3) What faults in research design led to interpretations that exclude biblical Eve;
4) What heresies proceed from faulty interpretations;
5) Why mtEve research actually proves the Bible account of Adam & Eve's creation.
Does the discovery of mitochondrial Eve contradict Genesis? Did all humans descend from a woman in Africa who lived some 200,000 years ago? Was Eve literally taken from Adam's rib. This three-part blog answers those questions. In Part One, we will examine the Magisterial documents relative to these questions.
The title of this blog points to an argument very often used by atheists and agnostics to try and prove that a good God does not exist.

Atheists like to set up a straw-god, then proceed to knock it down. Read this article to know why their straw-god fails in this case. It is their complete ignorance of the TRUE God that allows them to make these ridiculous claims.
This blog post instructs us as to the Genesis account of Eve's creation was scientifically accurate. It also shows us how Eve was created in such a way as to make her the holy spirit of the family.
God created women as the holy spirit of the family. He did so from the very beginning, as detailed in the Genesis account of Eve's creation.
There are many parallels that exist between apparition of Mary to St. Bernadette Soubirous at Lourdes and the science and theology of salt, dust, water, and stone in the Bible. This blog elaborates on those parallels.
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